Star Warfare Wiki

When Pheonix run away, Andromedae with Perseus and Chaos Was sensing an energy which is similar to someone they knows, they head back to the dead demension. They saw nothing at all but they stil sensing the energy very near and clear. Andromedae and both of them saw a metal container, Chaos blast it with hell beam, Perseus blast it with wind beam, finally Andromedae blast it with blue icez beam the container was about to destroy,but after 3 hour the container become colder and temperature below 0 degrees. It was growing ice and Chaos opened his eye big.

Chaos was frightened, Perseus and Andromedae asked "Chaos why are u scare of that???" Chaos said "T-t-that thing" and Perseus said "What thing?" Chaos said "Ehhhh. Hey! I am sensing Pheonix power lets get back to the fight before he kill many citizen". Then 3 of them get back, Phoenix said "HAHA!!! That trinity," he shot a death beam to them and Perseus used wind reflector it reflect to Pheonix, Pheonix dodge it. Andromedae used eon beam, Pheonix reflected The beam to the container, the container explode with a person in it.

"who's that person find out on the next episode of The War"

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