Star Warfare Wiki

(SWT)Dragonfighter 38 (SWT)Dragonfighter 38 30 March 2014

The Age of the Bloody War chapter 5

The Room filled with dust as the two massive mantises landed.A cold gust of wind trickled down into J's spine.It was a feeling that he had experienced before: fear.His body numbed,his breathing stopped,and his eyes stared aimlessly into the two colossal mantises above.The warden had experienced the same sensation,thought he quickly snapped out of it.He tried to reassure J but...he was already petrified.

The two mantises seemed to enjoy watching their opponents stand in fear of their appearance.They both started to toy around with the warden, going in and out and snapping their claws.What seemed could go on forever,J finally came back to his senses,but still having despair in his eyes.he picked up his assault rifle, and held it to the mantis…

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(SWT)Dragonfighter 38 (SWT)Dragonfighter 38 8 January 2014

The Age of the Bloody War - Chapter 4

The aliens rushed at J and the warden and with the other men scattered across the building,little chances were to find all recruits.Though the sound of death and bloody stood out very clear."100 more to go, and they seem to get stronger by the flying minutes."And nothing was spoken for the two were focused on the extermination."So this is the bloody war, warden?" "You got that right.A roar echoed through the building sending a cold chill down the two soldiers spine.They turned...eyes wide open and their sanity getting lower by the passing minute.A bulky rhino stood at the other end of the hall way.And with a thundering movement, it came hurdling toward the two soldiers.

"Dang!the hallway is too thin, we can't move out of the way!" "Then let…

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(SWT)Dragonfighter 38 (SWT)Dragonfighter 38 1 January 2014

The Age of the Bloody War - Chapter 3

The men huddled together;trying to force one of their one in front of they for just mere protection.Towards the side J and the warden were left jaw dropped as the giant mantis and the yellow-ish spider rose above the surroundings.They were among the few creatures to have survived the pervious destruction of the aliens,but this time,they were much stronger."Well J,any ideas to solve this?" A swift moment of silent glided through the air.speechless.

"J?" an explosion came from behind, and a horde of aliens had arrived.surrounded. "Ok I got an idea" "what is it and tell me it quick, we don't have much time" "J!! Help us!!!"the men cried out."warden, this is the time the men can prove them selves again, and I can take the bosses myself." "This …

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(SWT)Dragonfighter 38 (SWT)Dragonfighter 38 30 December 2013

The Age of the Bloody War Chapter List

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

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(SWT)Dragonfighter 38 (SWT)Dragonfighter 38 30 December 2013

The Age of the Bloody War - Chapter 2

the envious recruits watched J with a demonic glare.... and with a voice of the fists, they knew that they are gonna to wreck J.The warden was well aware of this but didn't bother to stop it."If that J kid can beat the starting test,he can handle the other men."Meanwhile in the armor room.The suits were locked right under a glass tub with the words "pull for armor".J observed each individual armor set.He was in a great trans,and wandered through the great hall with curiosity and question.He closely looked at each description under each and every armor... And he noticed the name and level of every armor etched in the left should of it.After what seemed like hours,J finally choose a blue-ish armor with the name and rank etched into it:Androm…

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