Star Warfare Wiki
IMG 0355

Backpacks are a supplement to armor suits that allow you to carry additional weapons and assist items. Backpacks work independently of armor; backpacks do not affect armor sets with their bonuses, and vise versa. That said, different backpacks allow you to carry more items and have special buffs as well, such as power boosts, speed increases, health regeneration, and occasionally an ability. 

Weapons and items can only be used in battle if they have been placed in the backpack prior to entering any room. To place equipment into the bag, a player must access the Customize menu, and then tap the "Pack" button. This will bring up a selection grid of all the equipment the player owns, with the row of squares at the bottom of the screen representing the player's bag and any equipped items.

Each bag has a different limit on how many items can be stored in it. For example, a backpack with a capacity of 5 will be able to store a total of 5 weapons or assist items. 


Current backpacks: 

Name Cost ($) Slots HP POW Energy SPD Others
VB-03-II 0 3 +300
VB-03-III 25,000 3 +300 +10%
SP-04-IV 40,000 4 +500 -20%
SP-11-V 8 Mithril 3 +300 +10% +1
KP-101-X 10 Mithril 4 +500 +40HP per kill
VP-22-VII 150,000 4 +600 +15% +20% EXP
SPD-005-a 100,000 5 +700 +30% shotgun POW, -10% for others
ECO-03-VI 200,000 3 +500 -10% +1 +10% Gold
TT-05-b 280,000 5 +1000 Damage Taken -20%
SAM-005-I 60 Mithril 5 +800 +20% +1 +25% Gold
STK-06-ZZ 700,000 6 +900 +30%* +50%* +2
HYD-00-IX 48 Mithril 5 +1500 +15%


20% chance to immune from attack#

H.F-V-03 95 Mithril 6 +1200 For team: +70 HP/sec Tthis effect does NOT stack +30% effect of all HP items
STK.F-VI-00 85 Mithril 6 +800 For Team: +20% POW (does not stack)*^ +1 Team effect does not stack
XO2B-FREEDOM 150 Mithril 6 +2000 +10% Unlimited+ +40HP/sec
F.L.O.A.T^ 120 Mithril 6 +1500 +20% +1

+10% Gold

Immune to ground hazards

Use: +2 SPD 30s, duration 60s cool down time

VISNU 120 Mithril 6 +4000

+10% EXP

For team: -20% damage taken

TRI-O-AVATAR 120 Mithril 6 +3500 +15% +1 Use: -85% damage taken, 5s duration 40s cool down
BLADE-MASTER^^ 1,200,000 4 +1000 +40% Melee attacks POW immune to ground hazards
TOUCH AND GO 1,000,000 5 +2000 +1 If hit, +2 SPD for a short time (PvP & PvE)

110 Mthril

6 +3000 +5% Use: Reduce some of your POW while transforms part of the damage you deal into HP. 10 Second Use 120 Second Cool Down.


140 Mithril 6 +3600

+30% POW

For team: +10% POW (does not stack)****


+35% Gold

+30% EXP

+20HP per kill

+10% chance to immune from attack**


200 Mithril

6 +4000 +25% +1 Use: Generate dark winds which drains HP from others.

+30% EXP


218 Mthril

6 +4000 +15% +2 +30% EXP

+1 SPD for a shot time

+50 HP per sec

+25% GOLD

Use: Immune to ground hazards.

*Note: This bag greatly increases your power at the cost of using extra energy.

#Note: This means that for __% of the time, a single projectile will be negated by a shield.

+Note: Recomended for people who don't like to buy ammo. Your energy still appears on screen, but it doesn't get expended when you fire your weapon while using this bag.

^Note: immunity to ground hazards is a permanent effect. The F.L.O.A.T bag has the ability to activate a temporary +2 speed boost for 30 seconds.

*'^Note: The STK.F will override the effects of the Jin.Jingle, they will not add together to give +30% power to the team

^^Note: this is similar to the F.L.O.A.T bag in its floating aspect, but it trades the speed boost ability and 2 bag slots for a +40% sword passive power boost.

  • Estimated Power Trade-off: -25% POW
  • Proven HP Absorption: 65% of effective damage output when ability is not active
